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Didn't get tickets for Star Wars: The Force Awakens? Can't wait until Thursday to find out what happens? Here's seven spoiler-ish guesses about the new movie that's got everyone clicking-mad online (thanks for stopping by ;-):

1. Kylo Ren‬ & ‪Finn‬ are ‪‎General Leia‬'s sons by ‪Lando Calrissian‬ and ‪Rey‬ is her daughter by ‪Han Solo‬.

2. What if, in the new #StarWars film, ‪#‎LukeSkywalker‬ introduces a new generation to the ‪#‎Jedi‬ way, then dies like ‪#‎ObiWonKenobi‬?.

3. ‪After fixing the ‪#‎MillenniumFalcon‬ reactor core Han Solo dies‬ inside it with his hand on the glass door waving to #LukeSkywalker.

4. What if, in the new #StarWars film, #Finn & #Rey's search for Crystal Skull of ‪#‎DarthVader‬ takes them to Peru w/ a whip, fedora & pistol?

5. In ‪#‎StarWarsForceAwakens‬ #Finn & #Rey race spare-part jalopies across the post-apocalyptic dessert of Jakku chased by fuel-hungry mauraders.

6. In #StarWarsForceAwakens Han & Chewie "get the gang back together" to strike one last Kessel Run off their bucket list before retirement.

7. #StarWarsForceAwakens is a coming-of-age rom-com about ‪#‎BB8‬ exploring existence while his owner #Rey falls in love w/ Steve Guttenberg.