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Been playing the game almost one year, so still getting the hang of weapon/armor mods & loadouts. Mine left-to-right with what they're built for & shader used:

  • ARC - mobility, resilience, recovery + Mars Sunset
  • SOLAR - strength, recovery, resilience + Vanguard Unity
  • VOID - resilience, strength, recovery + Dreamtide Daybreak
  • STRAND - discipline, intellect, strength + Cerulean Divide
  • SEASON of the DEEP - variant of STRAND, power based on weapons used + Indigo Matrix
  • SEASON of the WITCH / WISH - variant of STRAND, power based on weapons used + Monochromatic

Adding gear list in the order of HELM, GAUNTLET, CHEST, GRIEVE, MARK:

  • ARC - Eternal Warrior, Noble Constant T2, Biosphere Explorer, Devastation Comples, Memory of Cayde
  • SOLOR - Mimetic Savior, Synthoceps, Retrograde TG2, Techeun's Ragalia, Memory of Cayde
  • VOID - Techeun's Regalia, Doom Fang Pauldron, Noble Constant T2, - Techeun's Ragalia, Memory of Cayde
  • Sot DEEP - Mask of the Quiet One, NPA Weir Walker for the rest
  • Sot WITCH / WISH - Khepri's Horn, Veiled Tithes for the rest.