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Venn Diagrams Defeat Mitt Romney

It was a tough day for Mitt Romney and his campaign. They released a series of information graphics called "President Obama's Promise Gap" with facts & figures supposedly illustrating same. In addition to the 'information' appearing to be incomplete (i.e. What Obama actions specifically added $5.2Trillion to the national debt aren't explained), the campaign chose to use the ever-popular Venn diagram approach to illustrate it. Creating and understanding Venn diagrams is incredibly easy to do: simply draw two overlapping circles to illustrate that "certain things in the left circle are also in the right circle." Apparently that's above the pay-grade of whomever Romney has working for him, as they clearly botched it:

Mitt Romney's Faulty Venn Diagram: "The Middle Class Promise Gap"
Mitt Romney's Faulty Venn Diagram: "The Middle Class Promise Gap"

Not helping was this all-together coherently formed, and clearly cited, Venn Diagram by the website

Mitt Romney: Venn and Now
Mitt Romney: Venn and Now

Which raises the question: if you and your team are easily defeated by simply logic diagrams, what assurances can you give about your ability to do more complicated things like run a country?